So, I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently, of how much information we keep online and retention of online profiles. It’s highlighted a lot...
this post is based on the less framework website So working in a team and using scrum mastery, the team has grown, initially the...
Ok, so I’ve done a lot of training on scrum mastery recently and I’ve recently been given a team to work with as a scrum master. I’ve Also been...
So, I’ve up-skilled, I’ve been teaching using scrum methodologies, I can knock out and A-level computing project in a week and my code is clean. I’ve...
So I decided about 12 months before I left teaching I was going to move. I took kids to careers fairs (then walked around myself asking questions), I...
So, I started teaching to do some good. I was a PHP programmer and IT support in a small company in the north west and was spending a lot of time...